Products & Features

Overview of Snowpal's products, features, and APIs. Highlights various features such as key types, customized content structure, granular access control, notifications, linking, chats, relations, favorites, and system keys.

This video provides an overview of Snowpal's products, features, and APIs. It covers both B2C and B2B products, as well as the education business. The conversation also highlights the various APIs offered by Snowpal and their key features. Additionally, it explains the terminologies used in Snowpal's platform.


  • Snowpal offers a range of products and features for both B2C and B2B customers.
  • Their APIs serve as a backend-as-a-service solution, providing industry-agnostic support.
  • The education business offers courses at affordable prices to help users improve their skills.
  • Snowpal's APIs have extensive documentation and are designed to reduce time to market for developers.


00:00 Introduction and Overview
00:30 APIs and Backend as a Service
01:32 B2C Products
03:28 Education Business
04:20 APIs for Business Customers
04:59 Overview of APIs
09:09 Continuation: Products and Features
09:38 APIs and Features
15:21 Terminologies


API Overview

  • Discussion on the range and versatility of Snowpal's APIs.
  • Brief overview of various APIs, including Building Blocks, Content Management, Project Management, Classroom, Status Reporting, and Conversation APIs.

Product Suite Overview

  • Introduction to B2C products (mobile apps and web app).
  • Introduction to the recently launched education business (courses).
  • Mention of APIs for business customers on AWS marketplace.

Exploration of Snowpal Products and Features

  • Krish continues to delve into Snowpal's products and features.
  • Provides an in-depth overview of various features such as key types, customized content structure, granular access control, notifications, linking, chats, relations, favorites, and system keys.

Explanation of Terminology

  • Krish explains key terminologies used in Snowpal's platform, including keys, blocks, pods, block pods, tasks, relations, checklists, favorites, symbolic links, and system keys.

