Access Control List API

Secure your applications by managing access control on resources seamlessly.

Note: You can license our APIs to run in your own infrastructure or pay by request/subscription on AWS Marketplace. The choice is yours.


Snowpal: Access Control List API provides a structured set of endpoints to manage access control via privileges, roles, teams, and resources. Key functionalities include:

  • Privileges Management: Create, retrieve, update, and delete privileges.
  • Roles Management: Create, fetch, update, delete roles, and associate or remove privileges from roles.
  • Teams Management: Create, update, delete teams, and manage team memberships.
  • Resource Access Control: Assign and remove roles/privileges for teams and members, fetch access levels, and manage nested resources.
  • Profiles & Users: Manage user profiles and accounts, including retrieval, updates, and deletions.
  • User Registration & Authentication: Register users, sign in, reset passwords, and activate accounts.
  • Provisioning (Super Admin Only): Create database indexes for system optimization.

The API provides a granular approach to managing access at multiple levels, ensuring flexible and secure control over resources.

API Guide

Take a look at API Guide, and import Postman Collection.

API Features

Here are some of the features supported by Access Control List API.

  • Privileges: Create custom privileges, and specify a Level for every privilege (more on Levels, a bit later).
  • Roles: Create custom roles, and specify a Level for every role.
  • Associate Privileges to Roles.
  • Add one or more Members to Teams.
  • Control Access on (your custom) Resources
    • by granting (one or more) Privileges to Members.
    • by granting (one or more) Roles to Members.
    • by granting (one or more) Privileges to Teams.
    • by granting (one or more) Roles to Teams.

Essentially, all your security needs should be taken care of by this API that is designed quite generically to address a plethora of Access Control requirements.

Note: Go to ACL API: Categorization of Endpoints to see a bigger version of this illustration.